J/R images on the net are mostly older stuff, so to promote Joey-and-Rachel, here are some screen captures that I made from the past 1.5 seasons. Feel free to tell your friends and/or use any of this stuff for yourself... just be sure to provide a link back to my site if you do. That's not asking for much, is it? (I mean, it's not like I'm asking for American Idol to go away...)
More stuff is being added, so check back often.
And if want to contribute relevant sound/images to this site, pick up the Batphone and contact me!
Clicking the images below will get you the full-size image (size in paren). Right-mouse-click and "Save As" to download.
919 - TOW Rachel's Dream 923/924 - TO In Barbados
(39 kb) (32 kb)Also: you can download a very cool
animated GIF of The Kiss (231 kb).
(Props to Mel for this one!)
MiscellaneousJoey and Rachel music video (2.7 MB)
(Courtesy of Mel...very nicely done!)[Back to Joey & Rachel home] [Images]
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Copyright 2003 Rob Tong.
I mean it!